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     diary at! contact me older entries newest entry Somewhere below Heaven, slightly above Hell.

2003-03-05 - 10:51 a.m.

Signs of decline: Common Sense � person bringing a station wagon to a coin operated car wash vacuuming out the interior. He�d obviously neglected to consider the fact that he had it loaded down. There were boxes and such stacked all around the outside of the vehicle.

Fashion effrontery in the a.m.: Guy at bus stop in powder blue velvet jump suit. If you can imagine how handsome a fellow that would wear such a thing is, then you might just understand how much this guy sucked.

Most ambitious thing I�ve done in quite awhile: Get up early enough to make it to a McDonald�s before they stopped serving breakfast.

How I feel today: Like the world and everyone in it is one cohesive creature with a straw stuck right into my soul.

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