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2004-08-29 - 1:38 a.m.

082704 10:17 a.m. "Blue poles infinitely winding, as I write, as I write"

Soft and gray and lazy. Within a few seconds of waking I remembered something awful and I felt my heart along with everything else sink down into my shoes. Here on High Brazil we just repeat the phrase "this is not happening" while sinking below the waves.

Sorry. That was an "Eric the Viking" reference.

I have a callback to do that might be a freelance job, but I'm just sitting here with my head drifting over the screen swaying slightly with my eyes closed and slumber giving ME the callback. I'm much more inclined to do as it wishes. Screw it, it's "my day" sounds so much better than any offers I might receive or obligations to fulfill. There's nothing that sounds better than "fuck everything" which is why it's always on heavy rotation on Sparks Radio with limited commercial interuptions.


2:36 a.m. Why I hate Saturn

Sat around at the house for the first afternoon watching tv and surfing around online. You know if you dig around you can find some pretty cool indie label websites that have some nifty obscure stuff for reasonable prices and/or specials. On Ebay that just gets the word "rare" added to the title and description and they jack the price up a few extra bucks along with some ridiculous shipping cost.

One site I found today that I thought was particularly interesting was a live music archive of mostly unknown groups that's free. You can download just 1 track or the whole show. There are some really great, inexspensive tools and services out there through the internet for the unknown creative people to get exposure.

I stopped by for a short visit with the friend that was in that nasty car accident a couple of weeks ago. He's healing and really didn't look anywhere near as bad as the picture I'd conjured in my head by his list of injuries. I'm still worried about him though, even if all the injuries heal back to normal health. Depending on how he looks at it, he's either at an impasse or a crossroads and there's a lot of intense confusion and emotions I would think. That's not exactly the catbird seat for serious decisions and I feel helpless in a lot of ways to assist him. Hope, strength, friendship. That's about all you can give to a person until they make the decisions that need to be made. It's easy to turn off the ringer and miss the wake up call. God knows I've done it about a thousand times.

"In my dreams I'm dying all the time As I wake its kaleidoscopic mind"

Favorite search term that brought someone to my diary for the day: "Wearing a garbage bag".


082804 11:43 p.m

This turned out to be a decent birthday after all. I had a nice meal out with the folks, I got a call from the car dealership I used to work at and they want me to come back to work for them. I saw some friends, I got the ATHF Volume 2 which kicks ass. I've been stuffed with food, I went to the movie theater and saw the new Jet Li film "Hero" which was pretty good. My Ma's out of town and my dad works all night and it's just me, some junkfood, some videos to watch, and the chair in full-out recline mode. And while this isn't specifically birthday related, tomorrow will make 2 months sober, and I actually have the money in the bank to pay my bills. Yes, (looks cautiously around), things are going well.. I'm a transplant recepiant waiting to see if my body will reject the happiness organ. Is it really possible to live a life that is not in the constant flux of chaos with the suck factor multiplier turned down a couple of notches?? I tell you what, I'm going let myself like this for awhile but I'm gonna keep a close eye on the shoes around here 'cause I'm one butterfingers cobbler..

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