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2002-11-16 - 11:26 p.m.

Well it's late evening now finishing off a rainy, cold day and a lazy one at that. It was one of my special days where I just can't seem to get up or going and stay in this very dazed, drugged feelin headspace. I've been tweaking more of this music I made some time ago with this wave file program and getting a geeky, some- what nostalgic kick out of it all. Also, a book I ordered came in Friday, and I've just been really enjoying it so far. It's Joe Sacco's "Palestine" and his crazy little shade lines, cartoony people and humor just really accents the heavier aspects of the subject making it easier to breath and swallow. But, I'm starting to feel a bit guilty for not getting any other work done, (read:drawing there), and so I'll probably spend the rest of the evening hunched over some bristol board trying to make sense of my life and have something hopefully worthwhile for my time. *Sigh* I'm also trying to fight the fact that I feel disheartened that this move situation is up in the air with no resolution in sight. It just seems nearly impossible to me to "actualize" what it is I'm doing in/with this life and so the only thing I know to do is just stubbornly keep going and somedays that concerns me because I feel like I should be more "behind the wheel" for lack of a better expression.

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